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- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Format Menu is used to dictate format of Cell or Range such as
- Column Width, Alignment in Cell, Colors, Currency, or Cell
- Protection.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- General
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- General is the default format. Text is shown left justified and
- numbers are right justified. Numbers are displayed with the greatest
- precision possible in the given Cell Width.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Currency
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Numeric data formatted with Currency is displayed with the Currency
- Symbols specified by Set Currency under the Options Menu. They are
- also displayed with two decimal points.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Fixed
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Numeric data formatted with Fixed is displayed with a fixed number
- of decimal places based on the Decimal Place Menu Item setting.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Either numeric data or the results of the Date function are
- displayed in one of three formats:
- * dd-MM-yy
- * dd-MM
- * MM-yy
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Time
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Either numeric data or the results of the Time function can be
- displayed as HH:MM AM or PM format.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Decimal Places
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Numeric data formatted as Fixed will be displayed in the number of
- decimals places specified by this Menu Item. If the number cannot
- be displayed because your Column Width is too small the the number
- will displayed as #########.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Percent
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Numeric data is multiplied by 100 and then displayed with two
- decimal places plus a % character.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Pen Color
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- In Standard Mode a Cell or Range of Cells can be displayed in one of
- four color choices. In Enhanced Mode there are 8 color choices.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Commas
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Numeric data can be delimited by commas every 3 digits to the left
- of the decimal point with the Commas format. Remember by turning
- Commas on you may cause the number to become too wide to display
- in the Cell. When this happens the number will be shown as #######.
- You must then reset the Column Width to accomodate the increase
- in digits.
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- Column Width
- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
- This format determines the number of characters wide for a Column.
- The number of characters displayed is always one less than the
- Column Width to allow at least one blank character between Columns.
- Three options are available:
- * Standard - 10 characters
- * Wide - 31 characters
- * Specified - is user determined from 3 to a maximum of 57
- characters.
- Default option is Standard at 10 characters.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Column Alignment
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Dictates how data is displayed in Cell. Default option is Text
- justified left and numbers justified right. Default can be altered
- to either left, right, or centered.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Style
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Dictates type style for either text or numbers. Default is normal.
- Other options include Bold, Underline, or Italics. One or more
- styles can be selected for a Cell or Range.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Protect
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Cells formatted with Protect will not allow alteration of their
- contents when Protection is enabled under Options Menu.
- Default option is OFF.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Password
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Cells formatted with Password hide data with --------- until the
- Worksheet user keys in the proper Password under Set Password on
- the Options Menu.
- For master template builders:
- 1. Build your worksheet just like normal.
- 2. Specify the password.
- 3. Select the ranges you want hidden and protected from view.
- 4. Select Password/On from the format menu for each range.
- 5. Save your worksheet.
- Then when the user uses this template he/she will not be able
- to see the password protected data.
- To modify your data simply specify the password and the password
- protected areas become visible.
- Note that simply specifying the password does not remove the password
- attribute and the next time the worksheet is loaded the password must
- again be specified to see the data.
- Once the password is keyed in, the Cells are still protected. To
- change any data Cell Protection must be disabled on the Commands
- Menu.
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- Palette
- --------------------------------------------------------------------
- A Requester is displayed with Red, green and blue slider gadgets
- to modify the each of the 4 or 8 colors in a manner similar to that
- used in Preferences. These colors are saved with the Worksheet
- file and are recalled on loading. All of the Worksheets
- open at one time will appear in the colors of the last Worksheet
- opened.